Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alex Arrives!

We have a new traveling doll here. Alexandria (GT#3) is from Colorado and we are her first stop on a year long tour of the US. She will be with us for about 3 weeks. 

She was extremely tired after her long trip from Colorado. She was in her shipping box for almost a week! So when she arrived, she unpacked her clothes and laid out her sleeping bag. There are 21 other girls that live at AGR, so she had to bunk on the floor.

Today, Alex is getting acquainted with the other girls who live here.  We're glad she has decided to visit with us. Welcome, Alex!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! (and your doll house is awesome; I hope I can make one someday (a large one in one or two areas instead of trying to find a little space anywhere I can, like on my bureau, lol).
